
2nd SaferSEA Partner Meeting

The partners met in Porto for the second time on July 2nd and 3rd, 2024.

Project partner UPTEC was in charge of hosting the 2nd SaferSEA project partner. They suggested to combine this 2nd meeting with the National Final of the Climate Launchpad. UPTEC is indeed National Lead for this event.

Climate Launchpad is the world’s largest Green business idea competition, which aims to tackle and address the impacts of climate change. The programme provides candidates with an intensive Boot Camp and follow-up coaching sessions in order to help them develop their CleanTech project.

July 2nd
The Portuguese National Final of Climate Launchpad took place on July 2nd in the morning, at Ordem dos Engenheiros Região Norte, in Porto. 3 projects were selected to represent Portugal in the ClimateLaunchpad Regional Final:

- UPWIND: a portable, easily deployable generator for electricity production based on wind energy, consisting of an airborne device connected to a ground station with a cable;
- Seedsight: a multiparameter grain quality platform with proprietary optical sensing technology to identify and sort seeds;
- ChainReactor: printing of quality, affordable and customizable bioreactors thanks to modular 3D printer that use biomaterial or recycled plastic filaments.

Credit: Nelson Luis, UPTEC

The project partners joined afterwards the downtown offices of UPTEC for the 2nd Partner Meeting. After a project progress review, the next activities were also discussed, including the participation in the next Sea Tech Week® in Brest (October 15th-17th, 2024), the next Study Visit in France (February 2025) and the launch of an Open Innovation Call in 2025. More on that later!

Credit: Nelson Luis, UPTEC

July 3rd
The second day was dedicated to the discovery of the Portuguese ecosystem active in the development of marine and maritime innovative technologies. The day started with a visit to the Underwater Systems and Technology Laboratory (LSTS), which develops and deploys robotic systems for maritime operations.


In the afternoon, UPTEC organised the SaferSEA Maritime Event: Exploring the Portuguese Ecosystem. 8 companies and innovation hubs presented their projects and technologies for a safer and greener maritime sector:

- Connect Robotics: drone delivery and automation for urban and hard to reach destinations
- Windcredible: development of wind turbines in ports
- AELER: development of smart containers and shipping solutions
- CEiiA: monitoring of ships through AI
- CoLAB +Atlantic: coastal monitoring, prediction of hazards, optimization of ports and shipping activities
- Hanhaa: realtime cargo tracking and monitoring of solutions for supply chain visibility
- Connected: connectivity from space for autonomous shipping, marine protected areas, wildlife monitoring, ocean infrastructure…
- shipping safety through AI

Credit: Nelson Luis, UPTEC

2 full and enriching days, perfectly orchestrated by UPTEC!

Lead partner
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
525 avenue Alexis de Rochon
29280 Plouzané

+33 (0)2 98 05 07 01

Interreg Atlantic Area

The SaferSEA project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg Atlantic Area programme.
This website reflects only the views of the project partners. The Atlantic Area programme authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.


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